NSW Architects can trace its origins back to 1876 when John Reginald Naylor, one of the earliest members of the RIBA, established the Firm in Derby.

Over the last 30 years, we have become recognised, justifiably for our expertise in the specialist needs housing market place, both for private and public sector clients. More recently, we have also demonstrated considerable flair on commercial, leisure and industrial work for national and international companies. We utilise state of the art CAD facilities, actively pursuing a policy of "Innovation born of Tradition".

The Firm operates from office at the heart of Britain, near Derby, with excellent access to the country's main road, rail and air networks. Consequently, we can easily reach all parts of the UK and beyond into Europe.

We recognise that the quality of relationship between client and architect is a vital factor for the success of our projects, and we pride ourselves on listening and responding positively to what our clients have to say. We ensure that all performance standards, financial targets and completion dates are met.

Our reputation is for completing work "on time and within budget". We are aware how important these requirements are and we never lose sight of them. To these we add commercial acumen, flair for design and a common sense, practical approach to your commissions.

In addition to our core architectural services we can offer clients varied specialist services in many other areas of expertise.

If you have any questions about projects we have undertaken or need more information about the services we offer, please get in touch with me.

IAN F NELSON - Managing Director


Interior Design
Surveying & Party Wall Awards
Planning Supervison
Computer Aided Design
Space Planning
Site Finding & Evaluation
Contract Administration
Specification Preparation
Project Management
Cost Planning
Access Audits
SAP Ratings


Corporate Offices
Sports & Leisure
Places of Worship

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